New Leaders Emerging! | April 2018

A new type of leadership is emerging. A type of leadership that sees more than simply the human body taking up a valuable job in the company. This new type of leadership is seeing that each individual is also a soul who is here in this earth, to learn life lessons and grow in inner self-confidence. Yvonne often refers to this, confidence in our inner authority!

Over several trips in South Africa, I observed how the Zulu raised their children. They know that their child’s growth is a valuable time to learn lessons and this learning begins from an early age. They see each child and adult as an expression of their soul. They also see each person as a soul who is also expressing parts of their ancestor’s life lessons and strengths.

There is not just a focus on the human behavior, but what the soul needs to learn and learn in a way that has lasting affects for future generations. What I have noticed is that these children are allowed to make decisions and then to live with the outcome of consequences; this develops a strong intuitive action response that enhances building that inner authority of making decisions.

In Nepal, I noticed an indoctrination of spiritual knowledge at an early phase in development so that each person knows they are a soul first, and that their past lives can influence lessons this life, as well as choices that they make now, can impact their lives for lifetimes to come. Learning to tap into their own soul to navigate life’s daily decisions also strengthens that inner authority barometer.

In the native indigenous traditions in America, they learn that they are influenced by the 7 generations that came before them and are taught that their choices will be carried or burdened by the 7 generations that follow. Therefore, each child grows up knowing that each decision not only results in consequences for them personally but also for generations to come.

In China, I observed that the younger generations are encouraged to be young and to learn as much as they can about socializing and personal expression. They are encouraged to find a work environment that has good leadership more than a career. In their 30-40’s they are expected then to take on the responsibilities of a career and begin planning out their life. When they are in their 60’s they are taught to let go, enjoy life and allow the younger ones to take care of the country.

The expectation to learn from great leaders at their earliest work ages cultivates strong leadership skills and is of high importance in the Chinese culture. I believe that those who develop their skills in Meditation, Intuition and Soul Development will inspire a new type of leadership. A type of leadership that find meaningful relationships with employees spiritually important. A leader who is led by their own soul to make decisions that take into consideration the greater good.

A leader who strives to be more compassionate with themselves and with others. Yes, in this new type of leadership there will be more of a focus on each person as soul that deserves respect, understanding and compassion in the work place but this new type of leader will also understand that teaching about boundaries, rules, and structure will also help develop the human that is connected to that soul.

The new leader will notice the energy in the work place. They will notice when the work place is in the flow and when it is not in the flow. They will know how to work with energy to bring that flow back into balance and harmony and in fact will have employees whose specific job is to work with the company’s energetic balance.

This new leader will also know that when a soul and their human self is not congruent with each other it can throw the entire system out of balance therefore will provide places to meditate and heal knowing that the ultimate success of the business must rely on everyone’s ability and responsibility to maintain a healthy energetic balance within themselves. This leader knows that when someone is younger they must have experiences to learn, inspiring the new leader to help create many experiences for the greater good of the whole person.

Allowing one person to remain out of balance as others in the work place compensate will become a thing of the past knowing that it will in the long run have a domino affect that could completely cause the business to become off kilter. Everyone, will now need to learn how to manage their own energy field.

In twenty five years we have had the benefit of seeing this new/ancient knowledge grow in acceptance and in fact these are sought after qualities that new leaders want in their workplace. We are noticing a higher level of professionals taking our courses to learn about energy as well as how to work with energy to get the most benefit for their company. Most recently we heard from one of our past students who outwardly uses spiritual energetic tools to enhance their work environment. This was not lost on those in the upper management. She was promoted to CEO and is now implementing her plan to teach her entire staff how to meditate.

We had a visit from an individual who works with early childhood development to heal from early trauma and she is wanting to teach their staff about the importance of understanding the energy and soul as vital to enhancing the success of healing those early traumas. Many people find it surprising that CEO’s, CFO’s, Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Dentist, Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, Social workers, and Presidents of non-profits are all now learning to meditate and work with energy because the benefits are dramatically apparent to the entire company. Our intention from the beginning was to bring this work out of the closet and show the world the practical benefits of everyone involved.

This new type of leader is a visionary and taps that inner intuition consistently to navigate decisions, and then takes action based on their inner knowing. We are already seeing this new type of leadership culture move through company’s like a tsunami wave that will forever change the corporate landscape that we have known in the past.

The time is right for this new type of leader regardless of what position you hold in life. The time is now!

Intuitive Insights Energy tips

How do you begin to develop your own inner authority? When we begin working with a student the number one thing we teach them is how to ground deeply into the earth and release what energetic blocks are keeping them from trusting themselves. We also encourage working with earth and cosmic energies and many intuitive spiritual tools to de-energize old outdated beliefs and patterns that you hold as truth from past programming but are really not true.

For example, I am not college material, or I am not a leader. Holding onto those types of beliefs can block you from growing. So here is a few simple tips to get you started.

1. Find a quiet place to be still enough to access those quieter places inside of you.

2. You may want to have a journal, light a candle, and even have some soft music in the back ground.

3. Once you are quiet. Say hello to your body and ask your body what it thinks confident inner authority means. Then Ground your energy field to the center of the earth by working with the image of a large tree with roots or another grounding image of strength for you.

4. Your grounding is also a way to release old out dated energy and beliefs that can be in your energy field like stuck. Allow your higher awareness to tell you what you may hold as false beliefs about yourself. Each time you come across a false belief, present time it by stating the current date, present age it by stating your current age and dropping it down your grounding to be recycled back into usable energy.

5. Your spirit is huge! In fact just for the sake of explaining spiritual concepts to the human mind, only about 15-25% of your spirit can actually fit all the way into your body. The other 75-85% is outside of your body unencumbered by the physical bodies limiting thoughts.

6. When communicating with your higher self, that is what we are talking about. Talking to the 80% of you that is outside of your body that is united with the divine.

7. So use your imagination to create a beautiful room where you can always meet with your higher self. In the beginning my room looked like the star ship enterprise. Now my room looks like a Bedouin tent with incense and pillows. I mostly give these examples to show you can create yours to look anyway you want and change it as you change.

8. Now, meet your higher self in this beautiful room and ask your higher self to help you understand what inner authority is and to help you to grow your own inner authority. This is a high vibration in your room so do not be surprised to feel like you get kicked out of consciousness a few times before you are able to consciously stay present. This is a great start. Others of you, will be able to chat away with your higher self and ask all the questions you desire to know from the higher knowledge of spirit.

9. Write in your journal what you learned today and commit to cultivate that inner authority by communicating with your higher self at least 4 times a week. Over time preferably several times a day.

10. Enjoy building your own unwavering strong confident relationship with your higher self. It is a new world with new rules of the game. Be on the cutting edge and join this unity consciousness that supports individual expression as well as a sign of great inner authority and strength!


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